How did we do with our achievements?? See for yourself below:
1. Talk to 10 different carnies (without being killed, kidnapped, or attacked in any way) ~~ACHIEVED!!~~
2. Get a picture taken with a clown (an actual clown, not just some guy who is acting like a clown) ~~ACHIEVED!!~~ (see evidence below)
3. Ride 3 rides (hey at the carnival, that is SCARY BUSINESS) ~~In Progress~~ We went on 2 rides - MegaDrop (you go about 2 miles up in the air and stay there for an indeterminate amount of time, then you fall very very quickly amost to your death - we nearly DIED!!!) and the Ferris Wheel (the carnie there made a bad joke and Saff laughed like a robot "hahahaha" and he was picking on her when we exited the ride!!)
4. Tastes Like Chicken - Carnival Style (eat 5 different carnival foods) ~~ACHIEVED!!~~
Carnival Foods Nova enjoyed - pretzel, arepa, kettle korn, fried twinkie, fried bologna sandwich, ribbon fries
Carnival Foods Saff enjoyed - pretzel, arepa, kettle korn, fried twinkie, ribbon fries
5. It's 5:00 Somewhere - Carnival Style (drink 5 different carnival drinks)
Carnival Drinks Nova enjoyed - Throwback Pepsi (now with real sugar), Hi-C, Cherry sno cone, fresh squeezed lemonade, Mountain Dew
Carnival Drinks Saff enjoyed - fresh squeezed lemonade, fresh squeezed orange juice, Hi-C, Dr. Pepper, fresh brewed sweet tea
6. Pet an alligator - unfortunately, we did not complete this request as there were no alligators at the petting zoo. We did however pet bunnies, water buffalo, goats, and sheep.
7. The Ever-Present What Do You Think of my Coin Purse - Nova won this round with 12 uses of Coin Purse to Saff's 7
8. Count the Scooters - Saff's little sister took this one with 13 scooters counted, while Nova counted 10 and Saff was surprisingly unobservant with none.
Now, onto the Feats of Strength
1. Eat a deep-fried Twinkie (without having a heart attack or stroke) ~~ACHIEVED!!~~ and they were scrumdiddlyumptious!!
2. Avoid Getting Attacked by the Bees (the bulk candy tent was swarming with bees. We still navigated our way through the maze of candy to stock up on provisions and narrowly escaped getting stung by bees) ~~ACHIEVED!!~~
Overall, a very fun and successful day at the fair was had by all. Enjoy our pics :)